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2008-10-01 19:07:34
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Gods Little Haters




[snowwolfsa] Temp until Dead returns


[Angelic nightmares]




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<img10*0:>1. All members(Besides the owners)will be deleted if they do not post multiple messages...and if we dont like them.

<img10*0:>2. If you want to join, just ask... We been having some problems with christians trying to force their thoughts on our wiki..and so we made a password.
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<img:>For all those who look down on Christianity, and the rest of those BIG religions. We here at 'Gods Little Haters,' see how the world uses these religions to force their influence on other people.

Here are some topics to help you along:

1. Religious wars - Almost every war is started over some stupid conflict with God or Allah.

2. Puritans - Why do these fuckers have to always try to scare us into their Religion? If people didn't convert, they press, drown, or burn them at the stake.

3. Our religions - Are our religions more reasonable?

4. History - The history of religions and the conflicts between them.

This is our Kindling for the fire..

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2008-10-01 [Raven Song]: Me and your mom agree on a lot, but we also but heads on a lot, so eh... What Key issues swayed your vote?

2008-10-01 [Diiwica]: The Iraq war, Homeland security, Abortion, Climate Change, Ect... I agree with him with like 90% of things.

2008-10-01 [snowwolfsa]: I've washed my hands to elections, to think you vote really has any say in who the president is at all, seems kinda of stupid to me, but that's just my opinion, im not downing anyone who does vote, i meen hell i use to be into politics, until the gore/bush election, imo bush should of never gotten into office, but the supreme court GAVE him the election, there where still several thousand or hundred (not sure which) votes left to be recounted, they say later on that it was "proven" that bush would of won, but i dont buy that. i think its bullshit. and you all might be sitting there thinking "oh your just saying that cause you wanted gore to win" well fuck that, no i didnt, i wanted bush... i dont anymore, but damn during that election i did, fuck gore wanted to put restrictions on guns and what not which is bullshit, so i most defiently supported bush, but imo Gore should of won. and i believe he would have, had the recounts aloud to of been continued.

Now that's just one point, there's another point people dont look at, your vote can be trumpeted by electoral votes, even one candidates wins the majority of the states "people" it can still be trumpeted by the states electoral votes, most people dont realize that. all things i started to think about after the bullshit Gore/bush campaign.

There is one thing i do know however, either way you look at this will be a historic election, no matter who wins. if Obama wins, he will be the first African American president, if McCain wins, he will be the first president with a female vise-president. they both have pathetic views if you watched the debate you would see that, so i guess when it comes down to it, this is another election where if you vote, your really just trying to pick the lesser of the two evils... anyways thats my opinion on everything lol

2008-10-01 [Raven Song]: @Kayla - Wow.. yeah I can definatly see that.

@Snowwolf - Holy shit that was a lot more than most people have posted so far, I personally feel that not only will Obama (If he wins) will be the first black president, but he'll also be (this is an opinion I'm not going to go into) Assassinated.

2008-10-01 [Diiwica]: I don't like obama for many reasons. One of which I will keep my mouth closed, those of you who know me. I may not be on much longer... If Cassy and bill head out to roemo (or what the hell ever city it is) I'm going to head out with them... Get outta marshall.... gotta be better over there than this side of the state. maybe learn how to do some freaking radiation weld pics... >.>

2008-10-01 [snowwolfsa]: If the reason you think hes gonna be assassinated is because he is black, your are dead wrong raven..see what people in Michigan fail to 95% of the country is no longer racist. just 95% of Michigan, and maybe a few other states are, but most of the country is not anymore. otherwise he would of never gotten into the candidates.

as for you going to Romeo kayla, i know you..your gothic, dress gothic...dont think life in romeo is gonna be easy. people there..dont really like us. i know cause a best friend of myne use to live in romeo

2008-10-01 [Raven Song]: Kayla, what happened to you pursuiing your schooling and then getting outta Marshall? and if you're talking Romeo Mi, its about an hour and a half away from Northville.

2008-10-01 [Diiwica]: He's going to be assassinated because some radical isn't going to agree with him, thats for sure....

I'm staying in marshall I maen for like a few hours ding bat

2008-10-01 [snowwolfsa]: Its funny cause i remember you couldnt even walk down the street there with out hearing multipul "its not Halloween" "Freaks" etc etc...not that it hurt our feelings any, we just laughed, just was diffrent, most people where i live have accepted people the way they dress, well, its not weird to them, but people in damn, well least youll get a laugh

2008-10-01 [Diiwica]: Mean* and I'm still in my scrubs from class... so they wouldn't not be able to tell that I am gothic at all... Due in part because mine have hears all over it because my mom bought em not me...

where I live its odd. then again i go to an altern highschool so that i don't fucking beat the shit outta the reg eds principle... nearly did last year...

2008-10-01 [Raven Song]: I'm not even going to reply about the racist comment, I have to leave for work in 10 lol... and thats a loooong topic.

2008-10-01 [Xorital]: This contry is going down no matter who is president..I say it doesnt matter who wins, were fucked.

2008-10-01 [snowwolfsa]: im just saying Raven.. we live in michigan, i use to think 95% of people in the country where still racist..but seriously, chat from people who move here out of state, i know a couple people who moved here to saint clair, who wonderd why there was hardly any black people at their school. racism while hasnt been completly abolished from our country...its not as common as it use to be..people here in michigan just cant get away from the asshole gangster black people from detroit, so we fail to see the good in them, as other people probley have... why michigan is still probley one of the racist states in the country, hate to say it

2008-10-01 [Raven Song]: Thats because the asshole gangsters from Detroit keep spreading like a cancer all over michigan haha

2008-10-01 [snowwolfsa]: even so, it dosent make what i said any less true

2008-10-01 [Raven Song]: Never disagreed with you.

2008-10-01 [Diiwica]: I lived close to Detroit, (Northville to be exact) and I tell you what... its not pretty if you leave the town and go like 20 miles down 8 mile.. (lived off of 8 mile and Pontiac Trail area). Gets kind of,,, rough to say the least... People in Michigan have a preconceived notion that all people of color are bad, and while I agree that a decent deal are (in this are) a lot aren't.

2008-10-01 [snowwolfsa]: I know, it was a mini-discussion, and i agree kayla, i was just saying why we are so racist, there are alot of black people in michigan that are great people, but there are still alot that are not..and we as a state of people cant seem to see past my opinion

2008-10-01 [Diiwica]: Thats because Michigan blows...

2008-10-01 [snowwolfsa]: Cant disagree with you there, i hate this state, but mostly all of my family lives here, im a family person, so i wont be moveing away from them *sigh* lol, anyways stuff to do, tty all later

2008-10-01 [Diiwica]: My family mostly lives in Pa, Tx, and Va, I'm a family person, but i'm a slave to my own cause... so i can up root and go anywhere on a whim if I need to.

2008-10-02 [Angelic nightmares]: Alot of people think he'll be Assassinated. Personally, Mccain has been in politics for far too long. We need someone who has lived life. Someone with a good head on their shoulders.

2008-10-02 [The Voice of Difference]: Is this really the place to debate politics? Do you honestly think that saying something here will change anyone's minds? Because honestly, if they are registered voters, they should already know who they are voting for. And trying to change that is not going to get you anywhere. Especially with a post in a place where most are against Christians.

2008-10-02 [Angelic nightmares]: There's nothing wrong with talking about politics. Everyones for their own views and opinions, and I have yet to see anyone trying to sway anyone else votes.

2008-10-02 [snowwolfsa]: Voice? do you honistly believe talking about how much you hate christians is gonna change anything? i meen most people on elftown know their stance on religion, so trying to change that is not going to get you anywhere.

so obviously i meen according to what you just said, this whole wiki is pointless. but the fact is, this wiki is a group of people who have become friends, because they share common intereasts, just because this wiki is about hatred of religion and what religion does to people,it dosent meen we are not free to discuss other topics, and if you re-read things no one was trying to change anyones mind..we where all stateing our own opinions and views... for someone who asked to be staff, i would assume you would understand all this.

2008-10-02 [moira hawthorne]: ok my opinion... religian is something we can all talk about... but american politics... has less of an appeal.... since we arent all yanks... ET isnt american... its based in sweden... its members are from all over the world... so not every will care about an american election...

2008-10-02 [snowwolfsa]: No offence Moira, but there has been alot of topics pop up on this wiki that not everyone cared about, so what. let the people who care about it, talk about it if they want, its not like theres anything seriously going on right now.. least its keeping the wiki alive, i meen it was just recently that people would go months with out posting..

2008-10-02 [moira hawthorne]: *yawn* goin to bed

2008-10-02 [snowwolfsa]: Well good night

2008-10-02 [Diiwica]: True not everyone on here is from the US but if you take the time to look at the member roster, there are more of us who are from the US than are not. And most of the “active” members on this wiki are from the US. You may not agree with what is said, but others may. This isn’t a debate on here, and minds are not being swayed. This is just people saying what they think and what they believe is right.

If you wanted to take the time, you could look up things and realize that some of those candidates do have a stance on religion… though no one really cares about the religious stances.

2008-10-02 [Raven Song]: I don't really see the problem...where as yeah not everyone is from the US, or even cares about the US, it was just a simple question that spawned into a peaceful erm...I don't really want to say debate, more like conversation.

2008-10-02 [Xorital]: At the moment the US is going down the wrong path..this used to be a good country at one point in time, but within these past 7 or 8 years its been going down hill, atleast from my knowing..coulda been longer.

2008-10-02 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Ahhh, wonderful; I've been humored like the lovable, crazy old village drunk.. Good call.

Is he running?!? (NADER) is going to win, this time. I KNOW it, I can FEEL it! .. If he's running again, that is. Then I feel it..
Wtf is he still running for.. ?

I'm from the United States and I don't give a damn who gets elected. Unfortunately, It's probably going to be a lot more problematic for me than the majority of people, given silly employment choices.
Some dude at a booth asked me if I tried to get my absentee ballot or whatever the fuck it is at one of those mandatory college booth thingies you probably haven't been to. I couldn't find a college booth to look at and was standing in an awkward position, so I made conversation and started filling out the paperwork even though I had no intention of voting. I was at that booth for twenty minutes, and I accidentally gave the wrong Township, or something, and I'm never going to get my ballot that I was never going to fill out and I'm a little disheartened by the whole experience.

I also find the topic a lot less interesting than religion. whadyagonnado.. Better'n some, as recently demonstrated.

Some dude totally just put Afro Samurai on the big screen.

2008-10-02 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Do you really think 95% of Michigan is racist? Gods, that's a lot of two digit number.. Man, I hate Negroes and Goths and Atheists. Why the Good Lord didn't all make us identical white males, I'll never know..

Do you really think the country is that bad off right now, [Xorital]? I don't know how old you are and won't bother checking, but you couldn't have seen that many more eight year increments than me. I could understand the economical factor of that reasoning, or think I could, but why else is the country that terrible?
I've always held to the belief that we're a 'bit blinded by our own mortality, in this regard. Teh' visions a 'bit shaded by the fact we're aging as things come to pass. It's hard to make an accurate assessment of a topic that encompasses millions of people and thousands of miles unless you've been with it the whole time. I wish like hell I could go back to being six years old. Things looked a lot better from my eyes in 1993, too..

I'm asking if you can really trust your own eyes and mind when making that call.

2008-10-02 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Not to mention the level of biasnicity (Yeah, I made it up. What of it? Route word: BIAS. Figure it out) encouraged by the media, our primary means of gathering information. It's absurd to think one can get an accurate assessment of events if you didn't experience them yourself from all points of view, which is pretty tough to do. Even hearing all sides of a story told will not necessarily give you an accurate depiction of events. Some voices are louder than others, and some voices are just plain silent. How many examples have been cited where people have witnessed some sort of crime and described the perpetrator, those witnesses came to a UNANIMOUS agreement as to the perp's features, and were plain wrong.
I realize I broadened the topic ridiculously, but that's because I think it's a good topic, and In order to understand an (GOOD TOPIC) issue like this, I think it important to get a good grasp on a person's basic world views or life philosophies, or whatever. Besides, that sort of conversation takes into account all kinds of people, even the Nazis and soulless Swedes I hate, not just "AMERICANS." Still, maybe I'm shootin' a little wide..

Shooting in the dark, too. All I have are my doubts and my admonishments. Please (-Entreat); Enlighten me.

2008-10-03 [RinOdd]: I don't have much time to spend on ET, so, from what I've read so far, my opinion on fate is just another way humans can blame anything but themselves, kind of like my views on religion, just another ay to shift blame from themselves to another being. Life is what you make it, if I gave up before, thinking that is was fate for me to be where I am, I'd have stayed there and never moved on, or up. And, as far as I can see with the presidential candidates, we're pretty well fucked either way. Though, of all, McCain seems our best bet, though he seems like every other candidate, which makes me believe he's all talk, and as far as Obama goes, no matter his views, if he wins, he'll probably be shot in the next few days after by one extremist group or another, so, I'm not worried about him. BEsides, I've heard rumors of Bush possibly getting approval for martial law, meaning the military will run everything. No matter what, the US is pretty well fucked, and the main thing is to ready yourselves for all out war with-in our on borders, and prepare for hell on earth, and for the little world you know to change into something far more gruesome than what we've seen before. Me, I already know where to go once the shit hits the fan, it'd be to your best interests to find your own haven and be ready. Even if things don't turn out the way they seem, it's better to be safe than sorry. Btw, Kaylove, if shit does hit the fan, I'm not leaving you there, my haven is your haven.

2008-10-03 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: So you believe you can predict 'THE WORLD GOIN' TA HELL,' eh?

Doomsayers and their vaunted, hollow convictions. I wish I was that sure of the future. I wonder how many people have said the same exact thing as [RinOdd] in the last millennium. But hey, I guess eventually somebody will get to say:"See; I told ya' so..", Eh?
As for martial edict, that would probably be the most awesome, interesting, amusing(Horrible) thing to happen to the United States. To think, Crossing the Rubicon in modern America..

Ahh, full circle.

Fate) Philosophically, as roughly put as it was, I would agree with [RinOdd]. Another opium of the people, as applied to the people.. But is it ANOTHER opiate, or the same one? Is it an opiate, or is it a goddamn fact?
Bare with me, here. Everyone except [snowwolfsa], that is. He once told me when I 'post big' he doesn't read it, and this may be depressingly 'big,'so fuck him

Let's play a game.
I'm going to try to string together a series of logical scientific steps, the beginnings of which you will probably agree with, the end of which I don't even know if I agree with. I don't know if you can make it with me to the end, but I'm desperate to find out.

2008-10-03 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Now, you've at least touched on the whole 'For every action there is a reaction' 'bit, right? It's generally accepted that nothing just starts moving without something exerting force on it, no? You kick something and it goes flying, you blow out a flaming marshmellow, whatever, action/reaction. Keep that in mind.
What I'm going to go into is an example of particle prediction. If you think about it, if nothing moves without being moved, then it should be possible to predict where particles are going through the values of position and velocity, and make further predictions based on those predictions. Let's pretend (Admit?) for a minute that God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent. If, at a given time, he knew exactly where every particle is and it's velocity in relation to every other particle,then you could theoretically predict the future through the series of actions and reactions these particles would have on each other as you tracked them. And, here's a leap, but if you believe that little 'bit of 'logic,' if you say: 'I guess that makes sense, but nothing can do it."then you sorta' just admitted to believing in fate, albeit an unpredictable fate.

There's a lot of scientific evidence that supports the existence of a Pattern; supports the possibility of a predictable set of actions and reactions based on the position and velocity of a given particle. If that were true, if we could predict what's going to happen for one particle, we could do it for anything, really; we'd hit a computational limit.. But before we even get that far, the problem of a proper medium through which we can view the particle is highlighted in the Uncertainty Principle. It's a question of how accurately we can record the position of the particle, which is, in accordance with quantum mechanics, a wave. Since the only medium to view it we have available to us comes from the Electromagnetic spectrum, through emitting a sort of photon wavelength of light, we run into a problem of absolute position versus absolute velocity through the effect the light has when shined on the particle. The light pushes our particle! The disturbance is necessary because we measure the position of the particle through the discrepancies witnessed in the wavelength when it reflects back. Since we can only determine the position based on the crests of the wavelength, we have a more accurate depiction of the particle the shorter the wavelengths (More wavelengths, more crests.). Conversely, the shorter the wavelengths, the less accurately we can measure the velocity of the particle, so fuck me, but no luck there. It's like trying to catch air; the harder you try to hold on, the faster it's going to squeeze out between your fingers. Our hands (Vision) just wasn't constructed to catch air (Predict the future.).

Most of the people in this Wiki are romantics, in one way or another. Maybe they toy with the idea of true love; we were made for each other! (THERE'S SOMEBODY OUT THERE FOR ME, I KNOW IT!). Maybe you believe there's something you're so good at, you were born to do it.Or maybe, in one way or another, you sorta' believe in precognitions, some form of prediction. Maybe that time somebody dreamed of something happening that really did happen and you said:"Some things just can't be explained." See, that's the thing, though. If you give in even a little to an idea like that- give it an inch-takes a mile-yadayada, - you're admitting to the existence of some sort of pattern, and If a pattern like that exists, it's almost absurd to believe it isn't intentional. I'm hitting on, like, every theory out there, and I don't remember what this one I'm going into is called, maybe something to do with entropy, doesn't matter.. But the fact is, you either admit to it all, or you place your faith in the fact that it was all chance. You say: "There's just so much damned SHIT in the universe, that eventually all the pieces would have to fall into place for a time. All of the little astronomically small chances of a world that supports life, of life having the ability to evolve to fit it's environment, whatever, all of it is just coincidence." ..Hard to believe, especially considering it's generally accepted that the universe is finite, and expanding at a predictable rate. According to the current allocation of crap in the universe, the chances of our existence in this finite material are negligible. It makes a hell of a lot more sense to allow for the existence of a Creator.
So what if somebody had the ability to view particles through not light, but a different medium that exerted no influence on the particles themselves? To shed a passive light on these things, and further, be able to compute all these given particles in our particular sphere of interaction (The Universe) accurately, would they not be able to sort out all these things and see where things are going? In a way, could not this omniscience potentially lead into at least one of the other Omni's if that 'somebody' felt like living forever? If you knew where death was coming from, you could avoid it.

To summarize: If you place absolute faith in the particular law discussed waaaaaay up there, in Cause and Effect, then a pattern should exist. If this pattern exists, it should theoretically be possible to predict the pattern. If one were to predict the pattern, then one would be almost godlike. Also, if a pattern exists, the chances are it was the making of a Creator, of a Divine. What is the squabbling of a Christian God, of Judaism's Yahmeh, of a Muslim Allah, of mother fuckin' Gaia, when we don't even know if Cause and Effect is an absolute?

I don't really believe or disbelieve anything I've written, really. It's divine sustenance; food for thought..

What I'm trying to say is what I really am is thirsty

2008-10-03 [Diiwica]: Quantum mechanics, quantum physics... interesting subjects those two.. I could rant about them.. But my point and statement still stands... Fate is just the end result of what we have done

2008-10-04 [snowwolfsa]: lmao, yea i have no idea what tarkis said, hes right lol..i just skimmed through it, saw my name and read that part... i hate HUGE posts..

2008-10-04 [Angelic nightmares]: The biggest problem I see with the world is the economy is dying. Gas prices are high, and are slowly coming down. People all over are loosing jobs. With GM being closed in Michigan, there's not many jobs there. N.C. isn't exactly the best place to go searching for a job. At least not where we are.

Just because Obama isn't an old fart with a head full of grey hair, doesnt mean he's gonna be shot. I personally am tired of that comment, and think he'll do our country good.

2008-10-04 [Xorital]: Thank you angelic.

2008-10-04 [Angelic nightmares]: For?

2008-10-04 [Xorital]: Being probably the only person who agrees with me.

2008-10-04 [Angelic nightmares]: About what?

2008-10-04 [Diiwica]: never said he wouldn't do the country good. I just do not agree with a good deal of what he says. he may be the best damn president that there is but still yet there are going to be some extrem group that is going to react rashly. I think obama will end up shot because as bad as it is to say: there are people in the U.S. that are not as tolorate as others. There is a huge neo-nazi movement in the U.S. that could if they wanted to kill or attempt to kill him. Not look at what he can or will do. They look at the fact that he comes from a black father and white mother (or is it the other way around). 

2008-10-04 [moira hawthorne]: isnt martyrdom grand?

2008-10-04 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: I don't know.

2008-10-04 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Does it not frustrate you, [snowwolfsa]? Just letting things slip by..

To condense things as much as possible for Wolf's benefit:

McCain 70 something, die soon.
Economic Stability weather forecast. Watch news, do what you were going to anyways.

2008-10-04 [Diiwica]: McCains and old folgie...

2008-10-04 [snowwolfsa]: lol

2008-10-04 [Diiwica]: my government teacher did not think that one so funny

2008-10-04 [Mortified Penguin]: McCain has long life in his genes... his 90-something year old mother is still alive without any sort of health issue...

2008-10-05 [Raven Song]: He'll outlast Obama haha and Kayla I found it funny

2008-10-05 [dead~spirit]: We decide our own destiny, We decide our own fate, We are the creators of our own death, WE decide when and how we are going to die be putting our self's at that very last second of breath that we find our self's to be in. Do we have control of say it's a 50/50..we have some control but most of it lies in the dice. Fate is just a made up prophecy, gods, destiny,'s all a lie..WE are the creators of everything that you see around us except that which was here before us. We are the gods of our own time..we can begin and end life's..not just our own but others as well just by waking up in the's a deadly coincidential chain of events that begins which each of our own first breaths, and ends with our last. After your death or even maybe before it your replacement is in progress. We walk on dirt and think nothing of it..later on we become the dirt and see the world from another perspective.

-Dead~Spirit's Thoughts of the Night.

2008-10-05 [Xorital]: I couldnt have said it better. I agree

2008-10-05 [Fenier]: we all live in a world run off of fear. the question is how do we live in this world. The answer for me is to do what is right by my heart and to never quit no matter how hard it is. But i dont do it for my self i do it for every one who i care about i do it for my pack

Feniers comment for this night

2008-10-05 [Diiwica]: Richard, check your spelling on some things and fix your letter drops...

2008-10-06 [Raven Song]: Hey [Fenier] I get what you're saying and I like it, but what do you do when you feel ((Not saying they are but a senario)) like your 'pack' has either forgotten about you, turned their backs, or up and left? Do you still fight for them..

2008-10-06 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: It's like you're in a room by yourself, right?

It's really dim in here. I think the curtain on the window is drawn open, though, so some (morning) light is getting through, okay?

You woke up at 3:00 AM and couldn't fall back asleep, so here you are in this room, 6:00 AM now, and you've got to be at work at 8:00 AM.

'N there's a really, really cliche ANIME playing on this late 1990's television set that doesn't get cable or satellite.

This ANIME, it's one of those early Dragon Ball Z ones that seem totally cool when you are ten. But you are not ten; you are twenty, follow me?

You're twenty, and this is a rerun. You've seen this episode, or one like it, countless times.. And you go to change the channel, yeah? You go to change it, and the same ANIME is on every channel, no matter how many times you press on the battery-powered remote.

-And you realize you're not going to find anything new on the television. It's the same old show, every channel. But you watch it anyways, because the only other option is to shut the television you've lived with so long off. Shut it off and get ready for work.

HEY ! ! ! ! !
Do you understand?
It's a rhetorical question, and I don't think you do.

2008-10-06 [dead~spirit]: LMAO Thats rediculous, call comcast tell them it is a emergency!

2008-10-06 [Fenier]: you watch from afare and help them from the shadows

2008-10-06 [Raven Song]: Good answer.. Seems hard though.

2008-10-06 [Diiwica]: A lot of things are hard. But in the shadows its easy... My hand hurts...

2008-10-06 [Raven Song]: Like my mood says, everything comes at a price. You of all people know nothing is ever easy

Side note - You should'nt have hit her so hard... though, in a sick way I'm happy you did haha :)

2008-10-06 [Fenier]: lol that bitch had it coming hun

2008-10-06 [Diiwica]: She had it coming. Maybe next time she'll think about the stitches in her face before she opens that vile little opening of hers, thats called a mouth. My only regret is I didn't hit her more times and cause more damage

2008-10-06 [Fenier]: lol

2008-10-06 [Raven Song]: Excesive beatings can be VERY fun, I'm quite firmilar with that, only, you can't afford to get suspended. So.. although she had it coming and I'm happy you did what you did, I'd prefer you calm down next time.

2008-10-06 [Diiwica]: I'm not getting kicked out, she is. Self defense on my end. She hit me first i retaliated. One hit though, was not enough. She had more coming, and if I ever see her ass again she'll get the rest.

2008-10-06 [Fenier]: its hard for her to calm down when some one goes after me

2008-10-06 [Raven Song]: I know her temper [Fenier], Thats why I said I'd prefer it...

2008-10-06 [Diiwica]: When someone goes after anyone in my family. Your, Collin, Xander, Bry, my mom (as much of a bitch as she is,) cody, cass, eric, and james those are my lively hoods, no one messes with them and when they do I snap. She's lucky I dun carry a knife anymore...

2008-10-06 [Raven Song]: Kayla, like I said, I know your temper, and you're over 18, you can't stab anyone we have to take care of our son.

We need a topic to discuss about this Wiki. Any ideas?

2008-10-06 [Fenier]: so are you hun

2008-10-06 [Diiwica]: Pies

2008-10-07 [The Voice of Difference]: Peanut Butter.

It's better than politics.

2008-10-07 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Good answer,[dead~spirit].
Some people might have thought it was one of those things where I WAS SAYING SOMETHING AND I MEANT SOMETHING ELSE, but actually, it was pedantic literalism. Problem mother effin' solved.

Food is boring. Ingest pies to excess and all they do is induce vomiting. Lather peanut butter on the chops of a canine and all it does is look nervous. For something more interesting..
Alcohol or crack. Either would get my vote for an anecdotal comment or two.
How did that 'Ex' trip I told you to go on, uhh, go.. ? DO TELL

2008-10-07 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: (withsomniferousalmondeyes)

So, get this [dead~spirit]. 5:50 PM my time (Fuck Italia, this is my time now), it rolls around. Then 6:10 PM comes, and 6:15. STILLNOSPIRIT NN'AAAH

2008-10-07 [Angelic nightmares]: I've actually got a margarita sitting next to me...

2008-10-08 [dead~spirit]: I was on xfire all day waiting for you! Not to mention WOW.

2008-10-08 [Raven Song]: Speaking of WOW, a co-worker of mine has been trying to get me to play it.. yet, I barely make enough money to keep seeing my son, let alone the monthly fee, I play GW. Anyways, Is WOW really that good?

2008-10-08 [Xorital]: WOW is ok...its better than GW i'll tell ya that much.

2008-10-08 [snowwolfsa]: much better then guild wars... personaly ive played most mmo's and not many hold my attention as long as WoW has... im curious to see warhammer online..its out i just need to try it.. but right now i think my personal favorites are as follows:

World of Warcraft
Pirates of the Burning Sea
Lineage 2
Diablo 2
Hellgate london

ive played countless others. but those are really the only ones im STILL playing...

2008-10-08 [Raven Song]: Yeah Snowwolf, I've played all of those but WOW, and thats why I've stuck with GW for so long, because it was the only one to catch my attention, though I've been everywhere in the game and done everything. Hense why I'm inquiring about WOW.. lol

2008-10-08 [Xorital]: I've played every single MMO this peice of shit excuse for a computer has allowed...Which is none of the good ones.

I play WOW at a friends house.

2008-10-09 [The Voice of Difference]: Try 'Neverwinter Nights'. It's like D&D but better. And it's got better graphics than WoW. But get the first one.

2008-10-09 [Xorital]: ....Yeah, if this peice-O-shit computer can't handle most games above 2 GB i'm fucked over with anything good.

2008-10-09 [The Voice of Difference]: Uh,yeah.

2008-10-09 [Xorital]: Yeah..I saw a good game...Blade and Soul..I swear if my computer ever tried to download that, it would crash before it hit 1% :/

2008-10-09 [The Voice of Difference]: I'm not going to lie; that's pretty pathetic.

2008-10-09 [Xorital]: This is afterall a business computer...I can kinda understand, but it annoys me.

2008-10-09 [The Voice of Difference]: If it's a business computer, it should be better. Your company must be pathetic too.

2008-10-09 [snowwolfsa]: well raven, wow is definitely a game worth looking into..and yea ive played never winter nights, 1&2 good game, however not a mmo... it has the ability to network with other people, thats about it, it wouldnt fall in the catagory of a mmo rpg, despite how good it is.

2008-10-09 [Xorital]: Your extreamly rude voice. You truley have no idea how much memory it takes to download all the business stuff my parents do, do you? This computer is also connected to the computer at the Store they own, which could also dramaticaly slow it down. 

2008-10-09 [snowwolfsa]: I agree, that was pretty rude voice, so lets please keep the rudeness to a minimal. that was kind of un-called for, we are all friends here. as for the computer being slow, its probably just an old computer. computers are my field of expertise, especially networking, so i can assure you Xorital, its not slow because it is networked to another computer, considering they both still do their own thing. just are able to share information. a computer is a computer, it sucks you cant play decent games on it, but as long as it serves your parents interests and gets what they need done. then its is far from pathetic. You just might wanna either save up for a new one yourself (if you can) or beg the folks, if you wish to further your gaming experience.

2008-10-09 [Xorital]: yeah I'm getting a labtop thats the good news.

2008-10-09 [Diiwica]: I refuse to get any laptop until I have enough to get a mac. I hate windows... and frankly don't know how to opperate em worth ass

2008-10-09 [Raven Song]: I don't like Laptops to begin with.. I dunno, I just prefer a desk top.

2008-10-09 [Diiwica]: ur desktop pisses me off

2008-10-09 [Raven Song]: always worked fine for me! lol.. Maybe I'll just have to convert to Mac so things stop breaking ;)

2008-10-09 [Diiwica]: it brakes all the time... damn pos

2008-10-09 [Raven Song]: Whatever! My comp is just always broke it haha.. but I can't blaim you, and I won't because I was always there to fix it...heh I remember one night you were so scared I was going to get mad at you for messing it up.. it was cute

2008-10-09 [Diiwica]: there is one computer I hate more than yours... my moms POS vista...

2008-10-09 [Raven Song]: I hate Vista..its why I want a Mac.. after this computer finally gets out-dated. But since my comp can run any game out there, I've never needed a reason to get rid of it I <3 my system.

2008-10-09 [Diiwica]: *grabs baseball bat and smashes your tower* god hates PC... haha

2008-10-09 [snowwolfsa]: ....mac... /sigh  Vista is the only reason to EVER concider getting a mac in my opinion, however, they are comeing out with a new windows operating system by 2010, throwing away the vista core...which is good

2008-10-10 [Raven Song]: Eh by 2010 I'll already have bitten the bullet and bought a Mac.. heh I think my dad would disown me hahaha

2008-10-10 [Diiwica]: fuck your dad

2008-10-10 [Raven Song]: -.-;

2008-10-10 [Diiwica]: you know its the truth... there is a reason mac is at the top of the list of computers school age people buy

2008-10-10 [Raven Song]: *sigh* I have nothing against Mac.. I was making that face to your comment about my dad.

2008-10-10 [The Voice of Difference]: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude. I was being honest.

2008-10-10 [snowwolfsa]: How was that honest? what do you know about business to be able judge how pathetic a business is, just by the quality of its computer? u should realize, most business dont upgrade just to have the best stuff, if a computer still does what they need, they do not ushualy replace it, no matter how much money a company makes.

and [Diiwica] im sorry to say, macs are no where near the computer most school age people buy, i dont care what statistic told you that. out of all the students at my college who come to school with laptops, ive seen a total of two with macs, the rest have pc's, why? because macs are stupidly expensive. i dont see why people delude themselves into thinking macs are best? granted macs operating system seems like a better choice compareing it to vista, howerever microsoft is quickly fixing that issue, so i suppose macs should enjoy the spot light now while they can. however i will hand it to mac, their compute HARDWARE is great, i meen duel quad core processor is just *drool* but their operateing system is poorly designed.

2008-10-10 [The Voice of Difference]: I know plenty about business, thank you. I built this computer, and I know plenty about business, but if it can't handle something simple, how can it handle anything? Pathetic is just a word, don't get offended at my terminology.

2008-10-10 [Xorital]: If you know plenty, then you know what snow said is true.

Because my parents don't play online games and ect ect, they only update the computer with what is neccesary, its just annoying sometimes.

2008-10-10 [dead~spirit]: How great does a computer need to be to run Excel, and Access? Seriously [The Voice of Difference] Im going to have to call your bluff and say you dont know shit about business. I have been through business courses left and right at college, and computer courses, and criminal justice courses, and let me tell you the average work place still runs on xp, and are using standard Acer or Dell towers built in 2005. If you knew business you would know as [snowwolfsa] A business doesnt care about having the best stuff, they want the cheapest equipment that gets the job done, because in the end it's all about the money that goes into their pocket. Most business dont care if they have a older computer as long as it can run basic programs such as excel, and access, and has a good virus and firewall program to protect themselfs from loosing clients information and getting tort's up the ass.

2008-10-11 [Xorital]: wow dead your right, this is an XP

2008-10-11 [snowwolfsa]: and on another note, "handle something simple?" you think its simple for a computer to run a high performance game that uses 3D graphics? the very fact you think that is a "simple" task, leads me to call your bluff that you even built your computer let alone have any knowledge of them at all. read the box of most of the newer games, look at the system requirements. a SIMPLE task would be solitaire, notepad, Microsoft paint even, but a mmorpg, with high def 3D graphics, is no SIMPLE task for a computer, and is a pointless thing for a business to worry about.

2008-10-11 [Diiwica]: the schools around here snow I would have to say are opposite of you. a windows computer in this area is hard to fine. most of the students use mac. even cacc and kcc use mac... true they are costly but worth it.

finding the perfect computer brand is like finding the perfect rubber. once you find the one you like you don't want any other... prefrance is what it all leads to

2008-10-11 [Raven Song]: I'm just gonna buy you a Mac for christmas Kayla. Haha every other idea has been either canceled or unobtainable.

And in the Zoo, finding a Mac was really hard, and in Northville its the same.

2008-10-11 [Diiwica]: have you looked at how much a macbook pro is!?! its wild b/c they are awesome

2008-10-11 [Raven Song]: Yeah...2k.. not a fun price. Haha..

2008-10-11 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Gore never should have invented the internet.

I think I'm with [The Voice of Difference] on this one.

He built that computer and he knows plenty about business, thank you. And lest there be some doubt left in your minds, he knows plenty about business.

I'm going to call your bluff-calling a bluff and say you don't know what you're talking about, [dead~spirit]. Voice and I aren't just going to let this subject drop. Voice, tell them how it is about whatever we're talking about. Computers and businesses and all that.


2008-10-11 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Dammit, I never log on when anybody else important is around.. Alright, I'll demonstrate our points, [The Voice of Difference]. Stand back, I'm going to trump them. Watch me, now.

2008-10-11 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: We who know business condescend to debate with those who do not, but not to be rude, oh no.

You see, what we want to know is if it can't handle something simple, how can it handle anything? That's what we want to know, we who Know Business, we being the [The Voice of Difference] and I.

So, to wrap things up, here are our points of argument:

1) It's pathetic.
2)It's like you didn't build your computer,
3)You don't know business.
4) (Lassez Faire)

Our goal: Not to be rude, but not to be pathetic. That's the plan, right; Business, Computers, not pathetic.

I think that pretty much covers both ends of this conversation.


2008-10-11 [Xorital]: I think your logic completly failed there.

2008-10-11 [The Voice of Difference]: I think it's hilarious. I had no part in it, but it's still funny.

2008-10-11 [The Voice of Difference]: I'd also like to say, I don't give a shit what you people think. It doesn't matter who knows more of what, or whom. Keep your computer, or don't. Whatever. If your computer doesn't run it, get more memory or a spare hard drive. Just make sure to partition it as a slave drive. That way you can remove it and your parents don't know you play 'High-Def MMORPG's. I have a ton of them in my garage, give me your address and I'll send you a few.

Secondly, the cheapest and easiest system, is an XP. Because you can get the operating system for free. I did, so I don't know what the hell you guys are bitching about cost effectiveness. I'm so nice, I'll send you a game that any computer can handle.

And I have to say that Tarkis's logic is fail. But he has the idea of what the latter statement said. We're here arguing about computers?! Who gives a shit? Quit arguing with me, and quit assuming everything I say I take as an absolute. Why don't you just suggest games for whoever it was that and leave it at that?

I left a comment that his computer is pathetic. Because it is. He said it himself. Shut up.

And Mac's are expensive, but amazing. That should make them worth it. I wish my computer had a Mac's processing power.

2008-10-12 [snowwolfsa]: lol ok Voice, one you missed the entire point of my argument, i dont give a shit that you called his computer pathetic, cause in all honesty he did say it sucked.. but you also said and i quote you " If it's a business computer, it should be better. Your company must be pathetic too." your baseing the worth of a company off of a computer, and that in itself is pathetic.

Now on to your post, thanks for makeing my point when i said you dont know shit about computers. the Hard drive has NOTHING to do with RUNNING the game... storage yes, installing yes.... you have to have room to install it... but actually RUNNING the game, the hard drive has nothing at all to do with running it, also "Just make sure to partition it as a slave drive. That way you can remove it and your parents don't know you play 'High-Def MMORPG's." lol that made me smile a bit, considering making it a slave drive has nothing to do with partitioning, that would be jumper settings on the hard drive, master,slave,cable select... its how your computer reads which hard drive is which, master being primary, slave being secondary. if he took your advice and partitioned a slave drive. all this is, is dividing one hardrive, in to sections to be read as multiple storage areas, IE read as multipule drives. So basicly if he removed the partitioned hard drive his parent would still know, when they tried to boot up the computer it said, "operating system not found" or they could even notice during boot up when it doesn't detect a hard time you wanna try to make someone look stupid, make sure its about a subject, that person your argueing with isnt majoring in. or that you indeed know more then he or she does about it.

As for your getting XP for "free" im gonna go ahead and call you a fucking lier, because unless you happen to know somthing i do not, your "free" copy of XP is a bootleg, thus not able to be used for a business computer. least any SMART business owner wouldn't chance it, considering that is illegal.

Voice i have nothing against you really, but if your gonna insult someone, make sure you know what the fuck your talking about. because the only thing you where even remotely right about was his computer could use more memory...

and Tarkis... wow.. lol

2008-10-12 [The Voice of Difference]: I wasn't insulting anybody. Don't you get that? Quit arguing, I don't care. And not if he's smart and puts his operating system on the master drive. Duh.

And yes, it is bootlegged.`

2008-10-12 [snowwolfsa]: lmao puts his operating system on the master drive? duh? wtf? you said to partition ok i give up...

anyways lets move on, i really didnt meen for this to drag out this long lol

2008-10-12 [The Voice of Difference]: Thank you. The Beta for Cronous is out too.

2008-10-12 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: You obviously don't know when you've lost, [snowwolfsa].

Actually, I'm just getting a little self conscious about how this might have been taken..

I know at least a couple people got it, but I'm sick of people missing my golden humor. Really, it's starting to kill me. Ignorance is like a circuit breaker for those slightly retarded. When they're getting overwhelmed, the breaker blows and they can scuttle back to the safety of their stupidity and say to themselves: "What an idiot.." I won't have any more breakers. From now on (on being quite possibly until the next post), I'm going to point out the subtleties. Sure, it might kill the humor in the same way toilet paper tenaciously sticking to the bottom of an individual's shoe might inadvertently kill their joke, but my credibility has taken enough hits that I'm getting worried about my reputation.

Objective of last evening's posting: To demonstrate the stupidity of the current argument and kill time.

1)To take Voice's side to point out by the very fact I've taken his side that he's getting relentlessly gang-raped like a dime whore by [snowwolfsa], [dead~spirit] and [Xorital]. In, and out, and in, and out.. God.. The motion is making me nauseous..

2) Demonstrating how terrible the aforementioned argument [The Voice of Difference] was going with really was by taking the same points he had used and running them into the ground repeatedly, thus also showing how ridiculous the situation that caused half a dozen people to rise up like Western European Crusaders and say:"GOD WILLS IT.. GOD WILLS IT!" really is.

3)Lassez Faire. And All Things Business Are Good.

2008-10-12 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: I bought Spore.


The intro video looks pretty awesome though. O raht o raht

2008-10-12 [Diiwica]: I have a cell phone game that always wants me to log into the internet... its bloody annoying.

2008-10-12 [The Voice of Difference]: I mentioned before I thought it was funny.

2008-10-12 [Diiwica]: your version of humor is cracked

2008-10-13 [snowwolfsa]: lol i bought spore to

2008-10-13 [The Voice of Difference]: I think yours isn't broad enough.

2008-10-13 [dead~spirit]: Humor is cheap, buy crack..

2008-10-13 [Diiwica]: crack is worthless buy a dwarf

2008-10-13 [Raven Song]: .>

2008-10-13 [snowwolfsa]: Necrophilia - also called thanatophilia and necrolagnia, is the sexual attraction to corpses. It is classified as a paraphilia by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association. The word is artificially derived from Ancient Greek: νεκρός (nekros; "corpse," or "dead") and φιλία (philia; "friendship"). The term appears[1] to have originated from Krafft-Ebing's 1886 work Psychopathia Sexualis.[2]

Necrophilia was practiced in some ancient cultures as a spiritual means of communicating with the dead (Shamanism), while others employed it as an attempt to revive the recently departed. The evidence of necrophilia practices can be found in the artifacts of the Moche civilization of South America, where pottery depicting skeletal figures engaged in coitus with living humans are among the ruins.Even in ancient Egypt, there is record of the treatment of the bodies of young women that were set out to decompose for a few days before being delivered to embalmers. This practice originated from the need to discourage the men performing the funerary customs from having sexual interest in their charges. Herodotus writes in The Histories that, to discourage intercourse with a corpse, Ancient Egyptians left deceased beautiful women to decay for "three or four days" before giving them to the embalmers.

Legality issues:

Although obtaining consent is not usually considered a prerequisite for activity with non-living material, sexual activity with a human corpse is considered to be taboo and frequently labelled as abuse to the deceased persons, based on the presumption that the person would not have consented to the act while alive, and that it would thus constitute a profound disrespect for their remains to be treated in a way other than their assumed wishes.

Although virtually all human societies condemn sexual activity with the dead as a form of symbolic disrespect,several groups, individuals, and publications have pushed for the legalization of necrophilic acts. "The NecroErotic," for example, lists 9 "Necrophilic Principles," which argue that "... necrophiliacs have as much right to engage in their orgasmic release of choice as do 'normal' couples," and that "all 'rights' cease the moment a person draws their last breath."

United Kingdom

Sexual penetration with a corpse was made illegal under the Sexual Offences Act 2003. This is defined as depictions of "sexual interference with a human corpse" (as opposed to only penetration), and would cover "depictions which appear to be real acts" as well as actual scenes

As of the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008, it is also illegal to possess physical depictions of necrophilia, electronic or otherwise. Necrophilia-pornography falls under the governmental description of extreme pornography, of which, possession is classed as illegal under the aforementioned act.

......if anyone cares...

2008-10-14 [princess_ of _darkness]: that is really like i you had pictures of it in like you home or something that you found can still get in trouble for it?

2008-10-14 [snowwolfsa]: Thats what it sounds like. least in the United Kingdom anyway.

2008-10-17 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: I haven't ran into any trouble with my stash of well preserved corpses or extreme necrophilia-pornography I'm hiding in a cubbyhole under my dormitory closet, building 1423, room 206L, POS 103, Area F, AE Italia, so far. Crossing my fingers that if I keep sacrificing to my Pagan Gods and smoking my peyote, everything is gonna' be just peachy ! !

That IS a funny topic for you to bring up, [snowwolfsa]. I'm forced to wonder how you got started down that particular path of Wikipedia enlightenment.. Just throwing it out there, but I think you're safe from any legal repercussions in Michigan. Fly, my creepy little erotically-attracted-to-corpses dove. SPREAD YOUR CREEPY EXPERIMENTAL WINGS AND FLY

2008-10-17 [princess_ of _darkness]: lol

2008-10-17 [snowwolfsa]: lmao

2008-10-27 [snowwolfsa]: *cricket* *cricket*

2008-10-27 [Raven Song]: Gah...don't talk about Crickets... at work I had to clean out the cricket bins.. lol

2008-10-27 [dead~spirit]: Lucky. Some people would die for your job..

2008-10-27 [Raven Song]: Why would someone die to work at a pet store?

Sure it beats flippin burgers don't get me wrong and the pay is pretty damn decent.. yeah I see what you mean now.

2008-10-27 [snowwolfsa]: Actualy it beats haveing no job... im sure a person wouldnt give up their job to work at a pet store, but someone with out a job, would die for yours esspecially in todays economy, so dont complain..cause at least you have a job.

2008-10-27 [Raven Song]: Oh I'm not complaining, believe me. I actually love my job, Just crickets are just gross haha But yeah I really enjoy taking care of the reptiles. :D

2008-10-27 [de Morte]: Crickets are fun! I remember getting them for the toad and the lizard!

2008-10-28 [Raven Song]: Do you remember what kinda toad/lizard? I had to isolate an Albino Juvenile Leopard Gecko today :( The normal Leopard Gecko's were beating the crap out of him.

2008-10-28 [de Morte]: I miss our leopard gecko...her name was Betty
This toad was an African Toad... as far as I knew...

2008-10-28 [Raven Song]: fun fun. I like bearded Dragons and Ball Pythons heh

2008-10-28 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Do you ever get hungry and just take a bite at work? Let's say you missed breakfast, alright? You missed breakfast, and you're cleaning out the bearded dragons' cage, and you see some crickets still moving. What the hell, right?
Or maybe you're fixin' to work on the Guinea Pig's place, and you see one of the cute little guys in the corner with his eyes closed. Just squeek, gobble, burp. Who's going to notice? There's like half a dozen of the little things in there together.

God I love the 'pig.

2008-10-28 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: A Modest Proposal: For Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Being a Burden to Their Parents or Country, and for Making Them Beneficial to the Public, by Jonathan Swift.

"A young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee, or a ragout."

2008-10-28 [Raven Song]: uhh no...if I ever get hungry at work I take my lunch break and get a lunchable from the store next door..

heh lunchable's ...good times, anyone's parents ever used to buy them back in like Elementary school?

2008-10-28 [de Morte]: A Modest Proposal Its amazing...

2008-10-28 [Diiwica]: Yeah, I used to eat them all the freking time.

Side note: I talked to my recruiter today. ^.^
Note:And get to meet him Thursday at 3:30

2008-10-28 [snowwolfsa]: i eat lunchables all the time. i work in the meat department at a grocerie store, and we are also in charge of the lunch meat as well, so we pull things a few days before date (they are still perfectly fine, just close to date NOT expired yet) and reduced the price, 2 for like 1 dollar... that when i buy them for my breaks or lunch hour

2008-10-28 [Raven Song]: Congrats Kayla, I don't work thursday so fill me in asap? alright :) Xanders crying he needs a butt change so brb.

2008-10-28 [Diiwica]: I may need you to sign some papers too collin. Because when I go to BCT, you'll be little guys primary care giver you gotta sign papers so that you get the checks

2008-10-28 [Raven Song]: Whats BCT, and checks?

And I thought nothing was set in stone yet? Don't take it wrong, I want you happy, and I'll take good care of our son, just double checking.

2008-10-28 [Diiwica]: Basic Combat Training, and checks to take care of The kid PM me

2008-10-29 [The Voice of Difference]: When do you leave?

2008-10-29 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Ah, good. I was hoping somebody would know it. It's a beautiful satire.


They are my staple FOOD here on base.
My whimsical grocery list:

Berry/Tangerine Juicy Juice
Turkey/Broccoli Lean Pockets
Muscle Milk (Vanilla or Chocolate)
Welch's Grape Juice
Tropicana Orange Juice
Various cereals




If you're calling it Basic, you're joining, what, The Army? That's funny. By all means, enjoy those first months if you actually take the plunge. How does that quote go.. THE SERVICE MADE ME THE MAN I AM TODAY

Cha.. Sucker.

[dead~spirit] You! Join the Army in one year and two months if you can go for a two year contract. If not, join the Army in two months so we can get out at roughly the same time. Assuming three year..

2008-10-29 [Fenier]: BCT is also stands for Bergade Combat Team hun

2008-10-29 [dead~spirit]: I just might

2008-10-29 [Diiwica]: I am intending to be a lifetime military person :)

and I know its also that. but not with the way that I was using it

2008-10-29 [Raven Song]: Are you now?

2008-10-29 [Xorital]: Its not luck to meet a recruiter...I've met one before.

2008-10-29 [Diiwica]: yes. and actually it is to have one come to your house :) most of the time they don't come to your home.

2008-10-30 [dead~spirit]: They wont stop calling me.

2008-10-30 [Diiwica]: I don't give many my number. those who have it are lucky. (i just love telamarketers u see >.>)

2008-10-30 [Xorital]: They came to my house...

2008-10-30 [Raven Song]: Kayla the Marines came to MY house lol....

2008-10-30 [Diiwica]: mariens blow! haha that's why Jay joined them... god I hate that kid and how hw flirts w/me

2008-10-30 [Raven Song]: Then do something about it...>.>

2008-10-30 [The Voice of Difference]: Beat him with blunt objects.

2008-10-30 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Truly, the wisdom exhibited by making a decision like that without experience is telling.

I'm going to be an ASTRONAUT when I grow up. Or a DOCTOR. Wait a minute, maybe I'll be a  SpAaAaAaAcE DoCtOoOoOr ! ! !


I can't think of anything closer to a miracle than meeting an Army recruiter, or anyone closer to God than that same recruiter. Truly, divine made flesh.

2008-10-30 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: (Immature/Naive)

Man you guys are lucky !

HEY ! ! ! !


2008-10-30 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: Does anybody watch Supernatural? Cool television series dudes.

I never liked 80's rock until I bought all three seasons. I just downloaded Renegade by The Styx, Alice in Chains' Rooster And Bon Jovi's Dead or Alive

2008-10-30 [snowwolfsa]: supernatural? must really restrict what you can watch over there eh?

2008-10-30 [Raven Song]: Bon Jovi's Dead or Alive was a good song though..

2008-10-31 [Diiwica]: i'll beat someone else with a blunt object *cough* jo..*cough* not to name any names

2008-10-31 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: It's a good song, but the problem is that he sounds so damned egocentric singing it. It's sorta' cliche, too. I'm forced to quote Dean Winchester: "Bon Jovi rocks.. On occasion."

We only get AFN, subliminal messaging and crap I can't understand. I don't have a TV. Truth be told, if my computer went POOTZ, all I would have is my Speed, Meth, and 'X.'

2008-10-31 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: I just got done getting my ass kicked pretty bad in weight lifting, and at ten my time I'm going to see Tropical Thunder.

I may need you to heap flattery on me, [snowwolfsa]. Tell me how pretty and smart I am.
Man, the guy is about the same height and weight as me, and owned me in every way a man can be owned in weight lifting. I just wanted to throw down in the hope that I could redeem myself.

2008-10-31 [Tarkis Nethermoon]: You want an awesome song, download KISS by Prince. Man that song is hot shit. Then I downloaded "Purple Rain" and have no intention of ever downloading another Prince song..

So, it's Halloween, and I'm a loser.. I plan to celebrate by downloading some Warcraft III replays.

2008-10-31 [Raven Song]: Its Halloween and I have to work all night. I got Xander a costume and he looks so cute in it.. now if only I had a damn camera >.>

2008-10-31 [Diiwica]: I have one that you can have.. I never use it ever... >.> Dunno why I even bought it now, thought that I would use it but never do...

Its Halloween and I plan on doing um... NOTHING, like a loser.

2008-10-31 [Raven Song]: Kayla, I have our son, Go out, do something. Enjoy yourself. YOU deserve it.

2008-10-31 [Diiwica]: Haha, last time I did that um... I woke up with a killer headache, and questions to answer... Never again is that going to happen >.>

2008-10-31 [Raven Song]: Care to explain in a PM?

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